Deep amber to the browner end of copper, it pours hazy with yeast and unfiltered goodness and a foamy two and a half finger head that recedes into a spotty cap with thick, clinging ring of foam around the glass.
Malty, sweet, caramel, yeasty esters on the nose are primary. Doughy and bready. Particularly good amount of spices, cloves and cinnamon. Little bit peppery but the general character stays to the sweet side and reminds mostly of that. Flavorful and pleasantly balanced profile, not as strong as their other beers. Deep savory yeasty esters that interact with the sweet caramel malt and gentle toasty flavors that never border on cloying. Clove and peppery spices present here. Plum and raisin might be present, but they taste fresh and gentle, and banana is just as present. Medium-ish bodied with a higher level of carbonation, the finish is barely touched by any hops or buttering presence and is lightly sweet. Bready malts with a touch of yeastiness stays on the palate, and mild spice character reminds, the light pepper impression of white peppercorn and the sweetness and spice of cinnamon, light vanilla, and currants. Review Source: |